all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2AA 4 4 52.76269 -1.936911
WS15 2AB 25 0 52.763581 -1.937701
WS15 2AD 29 0 52.764734 -1.941582
WS15 2AE 29 0 52.763528 -1.939904
WS15 2AF 41 0 52.763646 -1.941865
WS15 2AG 26 0 52.764033 -1.941849
WS15 2AH 49 2 52.761974 -1.940578
WS15 2AJ 62 1 52.761416 -1.939097
WS15 2AL 66 2 52.760699 -1.943439
WS15 2AN 14 0 52.759692 -1.943989
WS15 2AP 37 0 52.761436 -1.943453
WS15 2AQ 46 0 52.762909 -1.94108
WS15 2AR 35 0 52.761904 -1.944831
WS15 2AS 3 3 52.758762 -1.937939
WS15 2AT 38 4 52.76085 -1.939794
WS15 2AU 25 0 52.765341 -1.951629
WS15 2AW 29 1 52.76052 -1.946507
WS15 2AX 25 0 52.761257 -1.945276
WS15 2AY 18 0 52.765474 -1.950038
WS15 2AZ 2 2 52.760524 -1.936105